defuser music dot com
a site to feature the music of David Chadwick, herein referred to as DC.

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Song Pages

If for some reason I'm linking to a song from my main site of or from elsewhere, or just want to feature it, I make a page for the song so the words or link to words, link to audio, and some explanation so it can all be on one page. And I've made song pages for all the recent songs done in Bali They're listed in the order they were posted. - DC

2014 + Bali songs
(in chronological order)

70 Times Around the Sun
Happy Birthday Chef
Wedding Song - July 10, 2015
Our Friend Frida (Is a Killing Machine) [revamped words in 2015]
Offerings (Persembahan Persembahan)
Leap the Gap
Thinking of You
Katrinka Be my Valentine
Dua Nol Tiga (Two Oh Three)
Whooptie Do
Valentines 2017
What a Lucky Guy I am
Panjang Umurnya Plus
Sonnett #1
Lagu Lagu (Singin a Song Song)
Oh Lucia
Cause I Didn't Have a Birthday Song
Valentine 2019
Happy Birthday Rita
Good Enough
Waiting for You
OK Boomerang
Bali Go Down
Gatherin Day
Fourteenth Day
Happy Anniversary 6
On the Way to Venus
So Alone

Songs from before

A Million Miles Away
And We'll Miss You
As Only Lovers Do
Away with Me
Bad Intentions
Beached Pigs
Bein Alive
Blanche's tune
Castro Castro
Come Let Us Build a New World Together
Dead Lovers
Don't Cry
Don't Want to Be Your Enemy
Downtown Bolinas
Everybody Wants to be the King and the Queen
First Bitch
Fools Together
Got on my New Frisco Jeans
Happy Birthday Regent
Havin Fun
Heart's Desire
Hillbilly Queen
I hung Your Clothes out on the Line
I Want to be your Bodhisattva Baby
Julie the Heart

Madman Minstrels Hall of Fame
Mr. Bigness
Nobody Knows What We Are
On the Night Buddy Holly Died
The Guy Down the Street
The Painting on the Wall

Please Don't Build No More Prisons Governor Brown
Real Cream in Rio
Rules of Love

Sally from the Valley

Same Ole Song
Thank You
The Way the Wind's True
Torture Doctos of Grenada

Travelin' Alone
Walkin Down Dusty Road
What's the Uh
Who Are the Punks
Why Do We Live in the City
Wilson Clark Was a Good Man

Fighting Fire with Fire
Mary Inspiration
Alices Toaster
There is Something
Bath in Annaheim
Watching the Sunset
Killers from the Deep
Dixiecup Babies
Flipped Out
What Did you Do Today?

Japan Songs - 1991

Ahdel's Breakfast Song - a song by DC's mom

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