defuser music dot com
a site to feature the music of David Chadwick, herein referred to as DC.

Song page index

Rufstuf albums page

Beached Pigs

#972  on list of all songs
links there to early versions & more

#5 on the Rufstuf Mr. Bigness album at

YouTube - Spotify - Apple Music - Deezer - Amazo

Mr. Bigness Album Cover * remixed and mastered by Tude Arta Sedana at Kubuku Studio Bali
* digitized from 4 track cassette by
* album cover - dc & Gus Awan

Rufstuf - dc homemade song productions from early 1980s Bolinas Agate Beach Studio


Beached Pigs

How do we know when it's time for the change?

How do we?


You can tell by the ------- beached pigs.


Don't ask Bucky

And don't do anything nasty to him.


Just reach for -------- beached pigs.

Carp lay along the road.

Springtime for Gwindon.

To each their own.

For us, it's ------ beached pigs.






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