defuser music dot com
a site to feature the music of David Chadwick, herein referred to as DC.

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DC online Artist pages for all published albums
(our band in bali)

Musicians listed bellow

Our 5th album
released March  9, 2023

Baliyuga The Painting on the Wall

Listen to these songs at:
Apple Music
Buy it at
At other places too

Song pages for these songs with words, chords, Indonesian translation
Same Old Song, As Only Lovers Do, The Way The Winds True,
 I Hung your Clothes, So Alone, No Body Knows What We Are,
The Painting on the Wall

album cover painting by Willard Mike Dixon
photo of painting by Ethan Okamura
{cover - Landscape and Rothko by Willard Mike Dixon]

Our 4th album
released September 9, 2022

album cover  by Dakotah Girard Epps

Baliyuga Zero

Listen to these songs at:
Apple Music
Buy it at
At other places too

Song pages for these songs with words, chords, Indonesian translation
Zero, Heart's Desire, Our Friend Frida, Bein' Alive, Doodeli Do, Wedding Song

Our 3rd album
released June 5, 2022

Baliyuga Bad Intentions

Listen to these songs at:
Apple Music
Buy it at
At other places too

Bad Intentions, the lead song, is a bit of sangha history

Song pages for these songs with words, chords, Indonesian translation
Bad Intentions, Thinking of You, Whooptie Do, Away with Me, Having Fun, Offerings

Our 2nd album

Baliyuga Zero

Listen to these songs at:
Apple Music
Buy it at

At other places too

Song pages for these songs with words, chords, Indonesian translation

OK Boomerang---Leap the Gap---Hillbilly Queen---Lucky Guy---Waiting for You---Panjang Umurnya Plus

our 1st album

Baliyuga on the Way to Venus
released Nov. 8, 2021

Listen to these songs at:
Apple Music
Buy it at

At other places too

Song pages for these songs with words

On the Way to Venus
Seventy-Six Times around the Sun
Lagu Lagu
Anniversary Song
Good Enough

Baliyuga Facebook page

Who we Are

names with some links & photos

Gus Suteja - guitar


Ketut Mastiana Nadera - bass


Sonny Rywis - drums


Bonny Man - keyboards 


Bambang  Meidianto - sax and other horns


Benny Toelle - Rhythm guitar, pad keyboard


Radha Aishwary - vocals


David Chadwick - vocals, words and music (with a lot of help)


Tude Arta Sedana - audio engineer


backup vocals on Venus - Ketut, Gus, Radha


thanks to Rick Sanchez for expert advice
and thanks to muse Katrinka McKay for your input dear


Studios we use - Antida Studio (website & Facebook) and Kubuku Studio Bali



Facebook Banner


Gus Suteja "Tilem" -- Lead guitar
Ketut Mastiana Nadera -- Bass
Sonny Rywis -- Drum
Bonny Man -- Keyboard
Bambang  Meidianto -- Sax, trumpet, etc
Benny Toelle -- Rhythm guitar, pad keyboard
Boy Toelle -- added percussion Whooptie Do, Offerings
Benny Irawan -- Lead guitar on Thinking of you
Radha Aishwary -- Background vocals, lead vocal on Offerings
Luh Nyoman Widyawati -- Vocal on Having Fun

Other backup vocals:
Kadek Suyanti
Nyoman Suwendra
Wira Danu Dealova
Katrinka McKay

David Chadwick -- Music and words, vocals
Tude Arta Sedana -- Musical director, engineer



Gus Suteja



Ketut Mastiana Nadera from a cruise ship



Sonny Rywis



Bonny Man



Bambang  Meidianto



Benny Toelle


Benny Irawan



Radha Aishwary



Luh Nyoman Widyawati



L to R: Kadek Suyanti -- Nyoman Suwendra -- Wira Danu Dealova -- Katrinka McKay

Backup vocals on Panjang Umurnya Plus, Whooptie Do



Boy Toelle


David Chadwick



Tude Arta Sedana



Antida Studio

Baliyuga on the Way to Venus recorded almost entirely at Antida
Some guitar redo and mixed at Kubuku


Tude's Kubuku Studio logo




L to R - Bambang, Nyoman, Kadek, DC, Gus
After some backup vocals.

The album cover for Venus is a computer simulated global view of the northern hemisphere of Venus which is used courtesy of NASA/JPL. Here's detailed info on it from their site: PIA00271


DC note - I had to have my name as the artist to keep my various music projects together and can only have artist name and album name on cover, so albums made with Baliyuga will have the band name at the head of the album title as in "Baliyuga on the Way to Venus." I said I wanted "Bali" in the band name. Guitarist Gus Suteja suggested the name Baliyuga at Oomba Beach House while listening to Krisna Patra (Krisna Floop). We'd run various names by band members and others and so far nothing had stuck. I said I had to have something that night because I was going to finalize the CD Baby account for it. Kaliyuga came up. Katrinka liked that but it's been used too much. Then Gus said Baliyuga and we all liked it right away. After the CD Baby account info was finalized I registered as a DNS that points to Defuser Music dot com. I did a web search for Baliyuga and found there's a Toko Bali Yuga right here in Denpasar. Toko is store in Indonesian. I can't find an address though. Maybe it's just online. They sell far-out designer tee-shirts, sheets, and so forth.



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Whooptie Do - in progress