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Cover Art for Music for a Comic Book Video - four sides and the sleeve insert with words to the songs
Thanks to Linda Marie Overbey for the great artwork, Peter Bailey (RIP) for layout and to Goutrey for taking the photos of the album. And to Raymond Rimmer for doing subsequent higher res photos that I think I haven't used yet.
Also down below are the credits [expanded from back cover] and a list of the songs
[go here to listen to the songs] ---- The story of making this thing
The Front Cover
Inside Left Cover
Inside Right cover
Back Cover
See the credits from the above back cover better
Words to Songs scanned off inner record sleeve
On the credits Ron is listed as Master Sound Sampler. I should have said "words, music, and vocals by David Chadwick" instead of "Words and vocals by Defuser." But in some of the songs the sampling that Ron McLeod and I did together with his guidance created so much of the song that I left that unstated. Here's a list of the songs with the ones he and I worked together on highlighted - these are the best ones too. The rest I did mainly by myself using his equipment and what I'd learned from him. It took five months to do this project as I remember. - dc [go here to listen to the songs]
side A
1-Charlie, Hector, and Betty Arrive at the Concert
2-Lil Otis
3-Welcome to the Show
4-Professor Zeus and the Barking Elephants
5-Politically Correct
6-Boquet of Weeds
7-Woman in Bondage
8-Love Song for You Darling
9-The Mob Has Come to Life
10-Free Advertisement
11-Seven Judys
12-Non Existent Song
side B
1-Steel Dick
2-Screaming Mad
3-Little Bird
4-Sax Hell
5-Destroy What You Don’t Understand
6-Ladies Tea Party Jazz
7-Don’t Want to Be Your Enemy
9-Covered in Vines
That's Ron McLeod, master sampler, on the right and DC on the left - back in the fall of 1984 in Liz Tuomi's studio in Bolinas - it was also our bedroom - Liz and me that is - for nine wonderful years. - dc
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